• Fallout developers attend the Amazon series premiere

    Fallout developers attend the Amazon series premiere

    The Amazon Fallout series premiered today in a big event. Interestingly we can see the developers from Bethesda (and others) attended the lavish premiere. The event took place at the Grauman’s Chinese Theatre in Hollywood. Amongst creators and cast we could spot Bethesda’s Todd Howard, who’s the director of the Fallout games. Other than Todd…

  • Wii U and 3DS online services shut down today, April 8th, 2024.

    Wii U and 3DS online services shut down today, April 8th, 2024.

    The grim day for many Nintendo fans has finally come. The online services for both Nintendo Wii U and Nintendo 3DS consoles shut down on Monday, April 8th at 7 PM ET and 4 PM PT. Here’s the full statement from Nintendo: Thank you very much for supporting our products. At 4pm PDT on April…

  • Fallout 76 will be available on Amazon Prime Gaming with the premiere of the Fallout series

    Fallout 76 will be available on Amazon Prime Gaming with the premiere of the Fallout series

    The buzz around the new Amazon series is not stopping. In February and March, we got Fallout 1 and Fallout 2 on Amazon Prime Gaming and now we are getting Fallout 76 with the Fallout series premiere on April 11th. It’s cool to see the huge classics like Fallout 1&2 making their comeback here and…

  • Nintendo releases more footage of Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door

    Nintendo releases more footage of Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door

    Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door remake is closing in as we get new footage from Nintendo a month prior to the game’s release. Nintendo started pushing some more marketing for their next release. They shared new footage video on X along with a graphic including a letter from Princess Peach to Mario, in which she…

  • CD Projekt RED: We are finally satisfied with the state of Cyberpunk 2077

    CD Projekt RED: We are finally satisfied with the state of Cyberpunk 2077

    Cyberpunk 2077 is a game with one of the most disastrous launches in video game history. Right now, after over 3 years of continuous work on updating and fixing the title, the devs are finally satisfied with the state of their game. Studio’s CEO Adam Kiciński admitted in the latest financial results presentation that CD…

  • Is the Nintendo Switch release schedule lacking this year? Not really.

    Is the Nintendo Switch release schedule lacking this year? Not really.

    We hear a lot about Nintendo’s lack of first party Switch games this year. But is it any different and worse than the console’s previous years? Well, not really. At least not much. We indeed hear more about remakes than original new titles this year, but we need to address the reality of Switch’s life…

  • The Legend of Zelda movie director ensures fans won’t be disappointed

    The Legend of Zelda movie director ensures fans won’t be disappointed

    As you may or may not know, Nintendo is working on a live-action Zelda movie. The weirdest part is, that they are co-producing it with Sony. Since the project was announced, fans were a bit skeptical and scared about what could happen with their beloved franchise’s adaptation. Myself included. We’ve heard very little about the…

  • Game Developers Choice Awards 2024 – Baldur’s Gate 3 dominates the awards

    Game Developers Choice Awards 2024 – Baldur’s Gate 3 dominates the awards

    Game Developers Choice Awards 2024 are behind us and Larian Studios with their Baldur’s Gate 3 have done it again. The game left with 4 awards. The event is a part of the Game Developers Conference and took place in San Francisco, USA on Wednesday, March 20th, 2024. Baldur’s Gate 3 with multiple awards Larian…

  • Pokémon Works subsidiary set up at The Pokémon Company

    Pokémon Works subsidiary set up at The Pokémon Company

    Seems like The Pokémon Company may have a surprise for the fans in the future. The company set up a new subsidiary named Pokémon Works in Japan on March 4th, 2024. The word about the new branch came from Joe Merrick on X: The Pokémon Company in Japan have set up a new subsidiary: Pokémon…

  • MAR10 Day 2024 – every announcement from Nintendo

    MAR10 Day 2024 – every announcement from Nintendo

    The Mario Day is upon us and Nintendo has a few really cool things to show us this year. From the latest release dates for new games to a new Mario Bros. Movie from Illumination! We have plenty to talk about, so let’s go. As you may know already, march 10th has been an official…