This year’s summer speedrun marathon raised a whopping 2.55 million dollars for Doctors Without Borders organisation.
Games Done Quick is a video game speedrun marathon organised since 2011, in which popular streamers and YouTubers, finish various titles as quickly as they can. The idea of beating the game as fast as possible is called speedrunning.
The popular event takes place two times a year, as Awesome Games Done Quick in January and Summer Games Done Quick in June-July, raising money for two charity organisations, The Prevent Cancer Foundation and Doctors Without Borders. During GDQ fans can attend the event in person in The United States or watch the stream of the event on Twitch. All of the recored material is also available to watch on GDQs YouTube channel.
Ever since GDQ started, the event collectively raised over 50 million dollars to both charities, becoming the largest supporter of both. This year’s SGDQ contributed a hefty $2.55 million to that sum, breaking the $50M barrier.
This year’s SGDQ took place between June 30th and July 6th. During the event various streamers and YouTubers, such as Spikevegeta, CarlSagan64, Chronos and many more take on challenges in a number of games and categories. There are races, blindfolded runs, finishing a game with or withour glitches. A whole plathera of gaming fun.
The event had a number of big sponsors this year, including Red Bull and Doritos, as well as many game oriented companies, like Humble, FanGamer etc. Thanks to great team behind the event and money from sponsors AGDQ and SGDQ gather tens of thousands of fans both in person and on Twitch, although the numbers have been declining since the pandemic. Hopefully we will see an increase in fanbase in the coming years. One thing is certain, GDQ has a big number of returning fans each year, including me, which help the organisation hit such big numbers of raised money.
My absolute favorite part of SGDQ 2024 was this Super Mario Maker 2 troll level race with CarlSagan64 and juzcook. It was hilarious.
If you like games, and I know you do, you’re on a gaming site after all, but don’t know the GDQ yet, I strongly suggest visiting their YouTube channel and familiarize yourself with their awesome content. Maybe even chip in a few bucks for the people in need in the next marathon. It would be great and you would have my huge respect. In the meantime, I can’t wait for the Awesome Games Done Quick 2025.