
  • Fallout: London is now available for PC players

    Fallout: London is now available for PC players

    The long awaited enormous mod is now available for the PC players with a copy of Fallout 4 bought from Steam or GOG. The wait is finally over. After long five years of development, Team FOLON has just released Fallout: London. So, what is it? London is a huge, DLC-sized free to play mod for…

  • Fallout developers attend the Amazon series premiere

    Fallout developers attend the Amazon series premiere

    The Amazon Fallout series premiered today in a big event. Interestingly we can see the developers from Bethesda (and others) attended the lavish premiere. The event took place at the Grauman’s Chinese Theatre in Hollywood. Amongst creators and cast we could spot Bethesda’s Todd Howard, who’s the director of the Fallout games. Other than Todd…

  • Fallout 76 will be available on Amazon Prime Gaming with the premiere of the Fallout series

    Fallout 76 will be available on Amazon Prime Gaming with the premiere of the Fallout series

    The buzz around the new Amazon series is not stopping. In February and March, we got Fallout 1 and Fallout 2 on Amazon Prime Gaming and now we are getting Fallout 76 with the Fallout series premiere on April 11th. It’s cool to see the huge classics like Fallout 1&2 making their comeback here and…