larian studios

  • Larian Studios opens a new branch in Warsaw

    Larian Studios opens a new branch in Warsaw

    The creators of Baldur’s Gate 3 don’t seem to slow down, as they open a new facility in Warsaw, Poland. Larian Studios shook the gaming world with their latest game. The new Baldur’s Gate title took the industry to a new level, showing developers around the world how to make a proper RPG. Not only…

  • Game Developers Choice Awards 2024 – Baldur’s Gate 3 dominates the awards

    Game Developers Choice Awards 2024 – Baldur’s Gate 3 dominates the awards

    Game Developers Choice Awards 2024 are behind us and Larian Studios with their Baldur’s Gate 3 have done it again. The game left with 4 awards. The event is a part of the Game Developers Conference and took place in San Francisco, USA on Wednesday, March 20th, 2024. Baldur’s Gate 3 with multiple awards Larian…