UPDATE 7.22.24
Xbox just announced they will also bring a Wolverine tushy shaped Cheeky Controller. While they claim it was the demand of the fans, that made them design the second controller, it was most likely the plan all along.
The Wolverine controller is, similarly to Deadpool controller, available to win in the sweepstakes lottery on the Xbox’s X profile.
Give it a try, and who knows, maybe you’ll own both of them. It would be quite a sight to see them next to eachother on display.

Xbox now offers a controller in the shape of Deadpools tushy.
If you thought the Deadpool & Wolverine marketing could not get any weirder, think again. We just got pictures of an Xbox Series X|S controller which has the red anti-hero’s bottom on the back.

As we can read on Xbox Wire the gamepad was designed by Deadpool himself and is „modeled after a much-discussed, perfectly rounded tush”. As it is like a holy grail for the fans of Deadpool and Xbox alike, it will be as difficult to obtain for a mere mortal. If you wish to win the grand prize consisting of a custom Xbox Series X console, two custom Xbox „Cheeky Controllers” and a custom Xbox Console Stand, you need to repost this X post:
There will be only one lucky winner in this lottery, so if you’re feeling the luck, you can try to win the grand prize yourself.
Beside the big reward for one and only winner there will be custom Cable Guys Deadpool controller holder for the first 1,000 fans to purchase an Xbox Elite Series 2 – Core gamepad from the official Microsoft Store.

I’m all for unconventional ways to promote a product and this is definitely the one. I’ll enter the lottery and who knows, maybe the cheeks will end up as my posession. And with Deadpool being the one and only Marvel related movie I’m interested in, I will also go and see it in the movies on July 26th.